Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Twenty One

When we form habits, research has shown that neurons in our brains change their firing habits creating new pathways.  What is a habit?  Webster defines a habit as "an acquired mode of behavior that has become nearly or completely involuntary".  Some research suggests that twenty one is the magic number of times it takes to form a new habit.  If you have been following my instructions, today is day 21!  You've officially created a habit--and a great one at that.

Everyday for the last twenty one days you've felt the exhilaration from completing the sweat enducing, endorphin producing task of running.  Your brain has registered that this feeling is good, making you much more likely to do it again.  Like Pavlov's dogs and the bell, each morning you wake up wondering "when" you are going to run, not "if" you are going to run.  Running is no longer something you think about doing, it's something you do, EVERY DAY, WITHOUT QUESTION (with the exception of  your day off, of course).  Your day isn't complete without it.

Now you've got momentum and neurons working for you and have hopefully formed a life-long habit.  Haven't made it to 21 yet?  LACE UP and get those neurons firing!


  1. And What a Great Habit it is Thank you Stacy :-)

  2. I'm so encouraged that you're sticking with it Marjorie!
