Tuesday, January 24, 2012


After your run today, did you feel like you could conquer the world?  Did that job you were dreading feel more manageable when you loosened your laces?  Was that barking dog next door easier to ignore?  Did the grass in the yard look a little greener when you returned?  Were you at peace with anything and everything?

There are chemicals responsible for all those good vibes you feel at the end of a run.  They're called endorphins.  When you engage in strenuous exercise, the brain releases these mood-changing, pain-blocking, morphine-like chemicals.  Endorphins are natural feel good chemicals produced in the brain that are much more powerful than any man-made analgesic. So if you're looking for euphoria, skip the drugs and go for a run.  When you start breathing hard, the chemical factory in your brain will start producing your own private non-addictive supply of these special molecules.  The harder you work, the more you produce.  The more you produce, the better you feel.  So run everyday--it's such a good deal!

LACE UP and let the endorphins flow...

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