Wednesday, January 18, 2012's Cold!

The mercury has dipped into low digits and you just can't seem to get warm.  You look outside and see the thick layer of frost on the roofs and the puffs of frozen exhaust following your neighbor's car down the road, and the thought of braving the elements for your daily run is not appealing .  In fact, going outside in the cold is the absolute last thing you want to do today.

Don't let a little cold weather keep you from reaching your goal of getting in shape!  Spring is on the way.  In the meantime, with a little ingenuity you can run in the cold and be reasonably comfortable.  Here's how:

Layers:  Wear a tight fitting shirt underneath your sweatshirt.  If it's really cold, make it three layers.  The key is to make sure the bottom layer is a tight fit.  That keeps the cold air away from your bare skin.

Hands:  Wear a sweatshirt with long enough sleeves to pull over your gloves.  It's amazing how much warmer your hands stay inside those sleeves.

Ears:  Put on a baseball cap, then tie the hood to your sweatshirt over that.  The brim of the cap will prevent the hood from slipping down and obscuring your vision and your ears will stay warm.

Legs:  Sweats are nice.  Just make sure they're not too wouldn't want to trip.  Also, you may want to triple tie your laces.  My laces tend to come undone when I'm running in sweats.

So, go raid your closet...I'm sure you'll find some sweatpants, a snug shirt, and an over-sized sweatshirt.  Then you know what to do...LACE UP!


  1. Thanks Stacy for the Advice with this cold weather I was wondering the best way to dress, heading out right now to run before the rain comes. :-)

    1. Hope you're able to stay warm!

    2. Yes the Tight Clothing you suggested and the layers have been working Great, Can't wait for the Rain to go away :-)
