Monday, January 16, 2012

Pace Don't Race

I've found a common mistake most new runners make is starting out too fast.  With youthful exuberance, you're sprinting out of the gate, running like your hair is on fire.  After about a hundred yards, your chest starts to heave, lungs begin to burn and your leg muscles cramp up in knots.   Unable to continue at such a frantic pace, you're forced to stop and walk.  You are miserable.  What started out as a nice little jog to clear your head and invigorate your body, has left you gasping for air, swearing you'll never run another step.

There's a simple solution:  PACE YOURSELF!  Even after 30+ years of running, the first five minutes of every run is still tough.  Having shocked my body to attention, I'm breathing hard, my legs are a little tight and my heart is pumping wildly.  Without fail, after those first few minutes pass, my body settles down into a natural rhythm--my breathing regulates to an easy pace and my legs loosen up and feel more fluid.  My heart rate drops to a comfortable level and I can enjoy the rest of my run.  This is why I stress NON-STOP running.  If you constantly sprint, stop, sprint, stop, you are going to feel miserable, and you won't be able to make much progress.  So start SLOW.  Remember, it's the tortoise who eventually wins the race!  You can always sprint at the end if you've got energy to spare.

So slow down and LACE UP!  It will feel great.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Stacy that is definitely me, Thanks for the Great tips :-)
