Sunday, March 4, 2012

Why Not Say Hi

I hope you enjoyed your day off.  Your running assignment for this week is identical to last week, so I know you can handle it.

day 1 - run 30 minutes     day 2 - run 35 minutes
day 3 - run 30 minutes     day 4 - run 35 minutes
day 5 - run 30 minutes     day 6 - run 35 minutes

Look how far you've come since we started in January.  It took six weeks to work up to running 30 minutes, now a 30 minute run is your easy day.  Just think how healthy your heart is.  According to the American Heart Association, if you've been sticking to my schedule, you've already added over 34 hours onto your life expectancy (see Heart Healthy Running post from Feb. 12)--that's over a day in less than two months.  Keep it up and you'll live forever!

Now for today's topic...why not say hi?  Should you or should you not acknowledge someone with a friendly hello while you're out running down the road?  To that, I answer, "Why not?!"  Before uttering a single word, you already know you have something in common--you're both exercising.  They may not be running, but they're at least walking, so why not give a nod to your shared commitment to a healthy future and say hello?

More often than not, I get a friendly smile in return when I take the time to say hi.  It's rewarding to see a stranger's face light up when I make the effort to acknowledge them.  It takes so little effort to say one simple word, but the response is often priceless.  It's like we're members of a conspiracy and are acknowledging each others' commitment to furthering the cause.  It makes both of us feel good to think membership is growing.  We're all in this race together--the human race--so might as well support each other when we can.

Granted, there are those that don't want to be bothered, but they are few and far between.  I try not to interrupt a group involved in a serious, ongoing conversation, or interfere with a focused athlete in the middle of an intense training run, but in general, people enjoy being noticed so I almost always say hi.

LACE UP, speak up and don't forget to wave! 

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