Tuesday, March 20, 2012


According to our Gregorian calendar, we've finally made it.  Spring is here.  After a long season of cold, dark, damp days, we've turned the corner--the mercury is rising.  Signs of new growth are everywhere.  The bland, colorless landscape that surrounded us for months is transforming before our very eyes into a festival of pinks and greens that no picture or words could do justice.  Trees are blooming, perennials are sprouting, squirrels are playing, and birds are singing.  To quote the comedic, but very wise Robin Williams, "Spring is nature's way of saying, 'Let's party!'"

I've never felt more grateful for spring than during my years in Vermont.  After being knee deep in snow for months, shoveling and snow-blowing for weeks on end, watching the thermometer never rise above zero, and daily bundling myself to the point of being unrecognizable, seeing small purple crocuses peeking out from under a thin blanket of white, was such an inspiring sight, it would literally make me leap for joy.

As far as running goes, you've been through the worst, now.  You've survived over two months as a rookie, in conditions that were less than ideal.  The weather should be steadily improving from here on out, which is going to make running a lot more enjoyable.  Just being able to run without sweats, will make working out easier--you'll be amazed at the difference.  Not only will you feel lighter, you won't have added wind resistance from bulky clothing slowing you down.  You'll feel as frisky as the squirrels scampering around in the grass, happy to have their paws on warm sod instead of cold hard ice.

Celebrate spring...LACE UP and let's party!

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