Thursday, February 23, 2012

To Hear or Not to Hear

I'm not a fan of running with music--never have been and probably never will be.  Running is the one hour of the day when I escape from technology and spend some time unplugged.  Occasionally I'm interrupted by an urgent call on my cell, but in general, my runs are technology free.  There are some great reasons to run unplugged.  After you've read them all, maybe you'll be a convert too.

Sounds of Spring
I love to hear the birds chirping, especially this time of year when robins and bluebirds are as excited as I am that warmer weather has arrived.  I even get a kick out of the crows that squawk at me from the top of the street lights like they own the place.

Rustle in the Bushes
If a curious bobcat or crazy squirrel is going to dart out in front of me from where they're hiding on the side of the trail, I'd like to have a little warning.

Sirens and Hot Rods
If some crazy yahoo is burning up his tires and headed your way, you'll be ready to dive out of the way because you heard him coming in plenty of time.  Likewise, it's good to know if there's a siren in the vicinity.  Not that ambulance drivers or police officers make a habit of jumping curbs, but as a runner, you're not very visible, so it's better to be safe than sorry.

Prevent the Pass
If you're the competitive type, you don't want someone sneaking up on you from behind and blowing by you like Contador pouncing on Schleck in the Tour de France 2010.  Just today, I caught someone going up a hill with earphones.  After I passed, he tried to stay with me--he would've had a better chance if he had heard me coming.

No Surprises
I can't tell you how many people with headphones I've frightened when I instantly materialize beside them as I run by.  Even if I've shouted a friendly, "on your left", with music filling their ears, they haven't heard my approach and look like they're going to jump out of their skin.

If that's not enough to convince you to leave your Ipod at home, then you're probably hopelessly hooked on running with music.  On your next run, give "Eye of the Tiger" by Survivor, or "The World's Greatest" by R. Kelly a try.  It might help you pick up the pace.  Or if you're mad at your boyfriend/husband, "Before He Cheats" by Carrie Underwood is a good choice.  If you want to add some spunk to your stride, try "Jeans On" by Keith Urban.  Remember, though, you can always use the juke box in your mind.

Unplug, LACE UP, and get moving!

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