Thursday, February 2, 2012

Family Fun Run

Are you looking for a different type of fun, exciting, guaranteed to please, family entertainment?  Try running together!  Look at the smiles on the faces of these family members after they've finished running a 5K.  They've made memories to last a lifetime.  The parents are proud of their kids, and I'm sure the kids are excited to be treated as equals in an adult event.  Think of the sparkling conversation when they get together for the next family celebration.  They'll look back on this moment with pride.

There are so many benefits to getting the family involved in your new hobby.

Running with young ones:  Get your grade school aged kids out from in front of the television, and into the beautiful outdoors.  Channel their endless energy into a purposeful run.  You'll be fostering an appreciation for exercise that will hopefully last a lifetime.

Running with teens:  When kids hit their teens, parents are no longer their heroes, but an embarrassing fact of life.  In teens' busy schedules, meaningful conversations with parents become almost non-existent.  Mom and Dad dip way down on the priority list.   They are social animals and are more concerned with peers than parents--that's the way it is.  So how can you get your teen to open up?  Go on a run together.  It's amazing how much information flows when the legs are moving and you're not staring directly at each other.  Without the distractions of daily life, feelings and thoughts tend to spill out freely.  You'll be amazed what you find out.

Running with parents:  You're never too old to start running.  The oldest person to ever complete a marathon did it in 2011 at the age of 100.  The oldest person to complete the Ironman Kona (2.4 mile swim, followed by a 112 mile bike race, followed by a 26.2 mile run--all in less than 24 hours) was 81 years old!  What better way to make sure your parents stay around for a long time than to get them exercising?  They may not be able to run a marathon, but I bet they can run around the block if they take it slow.

Get ready for some fun and LACE UP the whole crew!

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