Monday, February 6, 2012

Running With a Cell Phone

Currently, there's something we don't leave home without and it's not the American Express Card--it's a cell phone.  How many times have you pulled out of the driveway, only to return when you realized you were without your phone?

If you're not in the habit of taking your cell phone with you when you run, you might want to start.  You never know when it will come in handy.  Besides the obvious--in case of emergency--I've used my phone on many different occasions out on the trail.  I'll admit, there have been some days when I've bit off more than I can chew and have requested a mercy pick-up a mile from home.  I've been known to text myself when a particularly pertinent thought came to mind that I was afraid I'd forget.  Likewise, I've left myself a voicemail--a little out-of-breath and kind of hard to understand--but with enough information to jog my memory (no pun intended) when I returned home.  You may even be able to document a crime in action with the nifty camera on your phone.  A couple of months ago I was the victim of a drive-by soda hit.  Some yahoos in a black pick-up truck sped past me at 50 mph and nailed me with a large McDonald's soda cup full of Sprite.  It was a direct hit to my left thigh and left a big ugly bruise.  Unfortunately I wasn't quick enough with my phone to get a picture of the license plate, but next time I'll be ready!

I prefer to carry my phone in a protective case in my hand.  The case keeps the sweat off, and protects my phone from the occasional misstep when I trip and send my phone flying.  If you don't like the idea of running with something in your hand, some running shorts and jackets are equipped with special pockets for phones.  Also, some cases have clips that you can attach to your shorts.  Beware, though.  You may not like the feeling of the phone bouncing around on your hip.  Take precautions if it rains or you tend to sweat a lot--make sure you seal the phone inside a ziploc bag.

Grab your phone, LACE UP, and hit the road!

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