Friday, February 17, 2012

Sweat Rash

Back in January, I raved about the benefits of sweat (see "Shut Up and Sweat").  From relieving stress to boosting the immune system the advantages of sweat are varied and many.  Too much of a good thing, however, can cause problems.

If you've developed tiny red bumps surrounded by a zone of red skin that is extremely itchy, you've probably got a sweat rash.  This rash occurs when small sweat particles get trapped under the skin, plugging the sweat ducts and hair follicles, forming small fluid filled bumps.  Extremely irritating and uncomfortable, sweat rashes are a nuisance.  Here are some tips to help you avoid them--

Shower immediately:  don't stand around in wet clothes when you're done running.  It's easy to get distracted with all the jobs that need doing when you get back home after a run, but do yourself a favor and remove those sweaty clothes as soon as possible.  If you don't have time for an involved shower, give yourself a quick rinse.  You may not be ready for the red carpet, but your skin will be clean.

Moisturize:  to keep your skin healthy, moisturize with a water-based, not oil based lotion.  Getting lotion on your back without help can be tricky.  Try using a body lotion applicator with a long handle (Bed Bath and Beyond).  They work well.

Wear loose fitting cotton:  tight clothing made from synthetic fibers are the worst if you're suffering from a sweat rash.  Until your rash is gone, cotton is king.

Hydrocortisone:  a 1% hydrocortisone cream can be bought over-the-counter and will help relieve the irritation and soothe the inflammation.

After a few days, if your rash doesn't get better, consult your doctor.  There are stronger ointments they can prescribe.

LACE UP, shower down, then enjoy a day off!


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