Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Run Your Anger Away

Are you having one of those days where nothing has gone as planned?  No one is doing what they're supposed to, everything is off schedule, and everyone and everything is flat out annoying?  The kids are dawdling even though they know the carpool is coming, your spouse forgot to take out the garbage, the cat barfed on the front rug--you didn't notice until you stepped in it and felt the wet mess squish through your toes--and the coffee maker just overflowed onto the counter sending hot brown liquid seeping into cracks in your counter that you never knew existed.  You're about ready to explode and it's not going to be pretty.

Don't lose your cool, go for a run instead.  Channel that destructive energy into workout fuel.  There's no better way to safely get your frustrations out than to pound the pavement.  Remove yourself from frustration and start huffing and puffing.  Let your mind chew on those annoyances while you power down the road.    Anger is a potent emotion and can leave an irreparable path of destruction in its wake.  Sometimes half an hour away is all you need to dissipate that anger get a fresh perspective.  Let the anger fade away to realistic expectations as your arms pump away.

Running is not going to change your situation.  The coffee and cat barf are not going to clean up themselves and your children are probably going to dawdle again tomorrow.  But after an anger cleansing run, you'll smile as you ask your spouse to take out the garbage and kindly remind your child to put their PE clothes into their backpack and get ready.  A run is to anger as tylenol is to a headache.  It may not completely get rid of your irritation, but it usually helps.          

Remember, if you're upset, LACE UP and run.  Repeat every four hours until you're smiling again.

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